I cannot be so shallow as to believe I neeeed new shoes. No. This would be a lie. New shoes is not a need. But in all my born days I can count on one hand the amount of times I have bought myself new shoes and not just made do with whatever happens to have survived from last year.
Often my poor mother will buy me some. Other times I scour the sale racks in supermarkets for 'when it's gone it's gone' type offerings. Ebay is never far from my mind.
This summer though? I treated myself to some new, and some new-to-me, shoes (can you tell which is which? No? The new-to-me are actually new too; that was a surprise).
I am happy. There is something decidely wanton about red shoes - like red lipstick, the brick red Clinique lippy that has been at the bottom of my make-up stash for more years than I'd care to remember, just a wanton purchase for when I am feeling a little bit in need of colour...
New shoes can give you such a spring in your step!
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