If any of you have ever tried to sell in the handmade craft market you will appreciate how hard it can be to break into as a serious contender for making any money. Why?
The first reason is that the general populace don't know and care even less about having individual handmade items in their home. The only thing many people think about is cost, and let's face it, when you are up against slave workers from the developing world who live in cardboard boxes and have maybe one meal a day, you can't compete with that. Items from China are cheap for a reason.
Secondly, people place no value in handcrafted beauty or individualism. We want magazine spread homes which reflect nothing of ourselves, and for many this is simply because there is no personality for them to impart into the home in the first place...
Anybody who thinks making money from handmade is seriously deluded. So why do people bother??
For me the answer lies in my need to constantly create ; it is the only thing that centres me, calms me and inspires me to joyful living.
The second reason, like the reason I do anything in my life, is for my two boys {from whom the name Mu'Mu is derived}. They are my driving force for everything I do and for all the choices I make.
When I create for Mu'Mu I stop and ask:: what would my boys like to see - what are they into - what would make them happy and excited. That's my benchmark. And when I have an idea it is they who product-test it for me - what works, what could be better, what they like, and what they would like to see. In short, if it floats their boat it is a success. Period.
Right now? Well they are into animals (they're vets, remember), and trucks (no brainer), and so that is where my work takes me. First to animals, and on the worktable, trucks (to follow insha'allah).
But the other reason my boys inspire me to do this? I'm not ashamed to say - for the money (the very little that I make). I'm being honest.
I am not trying to claim world domination, or corner a market, or become a name in the field. Nope. I am making pennies so that this little homeschooling family get to make it to the theatre, the concert, the ballet and for days out, where little minds are stretched and wings can soar.
Mu'Mu stands squarely by and for my children, which is why, even though this handmade craft thing is so ludicrously low-paid, I stick with it. I love beauty, and I love my boys.
Shop is now re-opened, in case you didn't quite get it. And I'll be updating with new things next week insha'allah
Best of luck - your work is beautiful and your choices are inspiring.
Posted by: Amy | Thursday, 01 April 2010 at 10:05 PM
thankyou, Amy. Such a sweet comment :)
Posted by: Mu Mu Design | Thursday, 01 April 2010 at 10:32 PM
beautiful work!!
Posted by: erin | Friday, 02 April 2010 at 05:32 AM
thankyou erin!
Posted by: Mu Mu Design | Friday, 02 April 2010 at 09:22 AM
Best wishes with your shop! I love your thought on personality in the home. It feels like the magazines have taken the souls out of most homes.
Posted by: JulieE | Sunday, 11 April 2010 at 04:55 AM
Thankyou! Well, I do think we emulate magazine-homes a bit too much; we forget that real homes are for living and growing in.
Posted by: Mu Mu Design | Sunday, 11 April 2010 at 10:04 AM
Just catching up on your blog. Your work is beautiful! :)
Glad you liked your mustard yarn. :) i know it's only one skein so I hope you can find something to do with it. Though I do have a suggestion - Fetching!
I'm hoping as my family grows I'll have more time for crafting and can open a shop myself. Love your style!
Laura xx
Posted by: Laura | Monday, 26 April 2010 at 09:37 PM
thanks laura - the skein didn't last an evening I'm afraid - already knit up and looking very yummy. will have to take photos and show you! :D
Posted by: Mu Mu Design | Monday, 26 April 2010 at 09:54 PM