If there is one certainty in my life as a Mother, it is that my children choose the most inopportune times to maim themselves.
Not for my children polite little scratches and bruised knees. Oh no. We are in the big leagues:: split noses come as standard, Arnica is pushed to it's limits, and Steristrips are a basic necessity and bought in bulk.
Fed up with scrabbling at the bottom of a bag when disaster struck, and bothered that I perhaps hadn't got all eventualities covered, I decided to make these basic pouches based on this simple tutorial I gave you all with a little embroidery and applique for some jazz. I lined it with thick cotton and the facing is linen.
Yes, you counted correctly: I made three. THREE. One for the handbag, one for the car and one big one ready to be packed whenever we hit the road. Literally or metaphorically.
Everything in one place in a washable pouch, ready to save the day in the event of split noses, near eye gouging, lacerated heads and bruised ribs ... you know, the basics.
Those are awesome!! I was just at the park yesterday with a friend who has 2 little ones, and the 2yr old (after climbing it successfully at least 50 times) fell off a ladder going up one of the playground pieces and split his lip. This little pouch could have come in handy!! Great idea :)
Posted by: Kitty | Thursday, 06 August 2009 at 01:19 PM
Yeah the only thing they dont carry is ice packs which is what you need in a split lip scenario! I guess the kids always have the ace up their sleeve don't they!
Posted by: Mu Mu Design | Thursday, 06 August 2009 at 02:25 PM
such a nice design. mashaallah. lovely!
Posted by: itto | Saturday, 15 August 2009 at 10:03 PM